A beautiful AEGVPTO CAPTA denarius of Octavian
Los 4092
Octavian, 44-27 BC. Denarius (Silver, 22 mm, 3.53 g, 9 h), Rome or Brundisium, circa 29-27 BC. CAESAR COS•VI Bare head of Octavian to left; behind, lituus. Rev. AEGVPTO / CAPTA Crocodile standing right. BMC 652 (Rome). Cohen 3. CRI 431. RIC 275b (Brundisium and Rome). Well struck on a full flan, a beautiful and unusually attractive example of this difficult issue. Very fine.

This denarius celebrates Octavian’s conquest of Egypt in the aftermath of the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Though Antony continued to resist Octavian’s advance in Egypt proper, Alexandria was eventually captured in the summer of 30 BC, and the former triumvir and Cleopatra committed suicide shortly thereafter. Egypt and its immense agricultural wealth now fell to Octavian, along with the fabled Ptolemaic treasury, but while it was certainly the crown jewel of his conquests, he held little love for the country. When asked whether he wished to view the tomb of the Ptolemaic kings after having visited the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great, Octavian reportedly quipped that he had wanted to see a king, not corpses. Despite this animosity, Octavian did commemorate Egypt's capture on his coins, including this denarius, which shows the image of Egypt's fiercest predator, the Nile crocodile, on its reverse, a wild beast now subjugated by Roman might.
1000 CHF
6000 CHF
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